Thursday, January 22, 2009

Who knows where the time goes

I am always amazed at how quickly time flies and I wasn't doing anything much. I'm spending most days hibernating and trying not to go out into the freezing cold. As the years spin by I realize how cold it gets here. My days of building snow forts all day are over. I'm more of the short bursts of snow play broken up by hot chocolate and the wood stove. #1 LOVES the snow and plays on the back hill with the sled, saucer and toboggan for a few hours at a time. #2 is more of the go in the snow to wait for the bus, eat a bit of snow and get on the bus. He's not a sled kid. Snowmen hold no interest. He doesn't like hot chocolate. It can make playing outside after school a bit hard on me. The constant back and forth from house to yard always brings more snow into the house than I intended but #2 is willing to eat it all.
The kids new bedrooms will be done soon and then comes the mammoth chore of moving all their stuff . We're down to floor molding, varnishing the doors and touching up any trim paint. This is all being done by Dear Hubby so it's done after work and weekends. It's been a long process but will be worth it in a few more weeks. I have no idea how #2 will react to the changes but it should be interesting. They will also have a new playroom for all their stuff. The idea is to corral most of the toys and detritus so that some of the downstairs doesn't look like I run a home daycare.

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